Prof. Baofeng Huo
Director, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, P.R. China
Baofeng Huo is Dean and Chair Professor of Operations Management at College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, China. He received the Ph.D. degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the M.E. and B.E. degrees from Tianjin University. His research and teaching interests are operations management, logistics and supply chain management. His work was published in the Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Journal of Business Logistics, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Information & Management, Business Horizons, and other journals. He is Editor of Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences), Associate Editor of Journal of Operations Management, Senior Associate Editor of International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Editorial Board member of Production and Operations Management, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Economics, and Industrial Management & Data Systems. Prior to joining Tianjin University, he worked as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor at School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University, and Professor, Leading Professor of Liberal Arts, Qiushi Chair Professor at School of Management, Zhejiang University.
Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University No. 1954 Huashan Rd, Pao Zhao-Long Library, Shanghai 200030 P.R.China Tel: +86-21-5230 2510 Fax: +86-21-52302511
Mr. Phil Wang Ms. Ningning Sun